How To Install Tag After School on PC?

Are you looking for instructions on how to install Tag After School on PC (Windows)? Then look no further; on this page, we have shared a comprehensive guide on how to download and install Tag After School on Windows PC.

Tag After School APK

What is Tag After School PC?

Tag After School offers players a thrilling and immersive experience in the form of a horror mystery game. As Shota-Kun, you’ll explore the school’s dark corridors, avoiding dangerous ghosts that lurk in the shadows. In addition, the game puts you in control, allowing you to determine Shota-Kun’s fate.

Tag After School follows the life of Shota-Kun, a high school student trying to find his place in the world. The game begins as Shota-Kun embarks on a new school year, filled with excitement and nervousness. You’ll encounter various characters throughout the game, including friends, teachers, and potential love interests. Each interaction shapes Shota-Kun’s path, from academic pursuits to navigating the complexities of relationships.

Your choices in response to these events drive the game’s storyline. Every decision impacts Shota-Kun’s relationships, academic performance, and personal growth. As you progress, the choices become more complex, leading to branching storylines and multiple endings. Will Shota-Kun become a star athlete, find love, or focus solely on academics? The power to shape his destiny lies in your hands.

How To Install Tag After School on PC? - tag after school mary wants to p

Additionally, To Know more, players can check out the official website for Tag After School by clicking on the button below.

How To Download Tag After School For PC (Windows)

You can easily download Tag After School for PC (Windows) from the official download page. Click on the below button to visit the official Tag After School for Windows PC Download page.

How To Install Tag After School on PC (Windows)

Follow the below steps to install Tag After School on PC (Windows). Once installed, you can play and enjoy Tag After School on your Windows PC.

  1. Download the Tag After School zip file on your PC by clicking the above download button.
  2. Download Tag After School ZIP
  3. After downloading, you’ll need to extract the Tag After School zip file. You can use any zip extraction software like 7zip, WinRar, etc.
  4. Locate the Tag After School executable file from the folder that you have extracted in step #2.
  5. Tag After School files
  6. Double-click on the Tag After School.exe file to launch the game.
  7. Launch Tag After School Game

That’s it; Tag After School should now launch on your PC. You can now enjoy the horror mystery thriller game on your computer. Enjoy the game and have fun!


Is Tag After School Game available for PC?

Yes, Tag After School Game is available for PC (Windows). You can download it freely on your PC and enjoy the horror game. You can learn how to download Tag After School in this article.

Is there a Tag After School APK available?

Tag After School is not yet available for Android and iOS platforms. So, no authentic Tag After School APK files are available for download. Any file claiming to be Tag After School Android APK is most likely a fake or contains malware. So, it’s important to stay away from such fraudulent activities.

However, there is good news for Android users. You can play Tag After School on Android using the ExaGear application. Here’s the detailed guide.

How to Play Gallery Mode in Tag After School PC?

Starting Gallery Mode on Tag After School PC is easy. First, download the Tag After School game from the provided link. Then extract and run Tag After School.exe file to launch the game. From there, select the “Gallery” option. Now, you’re all set to play the gallery mode. Just stand near the female ghost and press the Z button to witness the encounter. You can also checkout the detailed guide here.


Tag After School is an immersive horror mystery game for solo Android and PC players. It challenges you to survive until 6 o’clock by exploring the haunted school while avoiding danger. With its interactive gameplay, stunning graphics, and straightforward controls, Tag After School offers a unique and thrilling experience.

Beyond being a game, Tag After School allows you to challenge yourself and influence the future of Shota-Kun. Your decisions shape his life, presenting endless possibilities. Craft intricate and personalized storylines, navigate through various ghosts and traps, and stay one step ahead of your enemies. Then, it’s time to embark on this captivating adventure and create an entirely personal narrative.

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