Tag After School Gallery: All In-Game Death Scenes

Are you wondering what Tag After School Gallery is and want to discover more about it? Then you have come to the right place; on this page, we have shared what Tag After School Gallery is, along with the instructions on how to play it.

What is Tag After School Gallery?

Tag After School is a heart-pounding adventure in a Japanese high school. The game includes a mode called “GALLERY“, which the players call Tag After School Gallery. In this mode, you play as Shota-kun, a character in the game, and experience all the death scenes from game levels. In gallery mode, users can play the Tag After School death scenes without completing any of the game levels.

Tag After School APK Android, Windows, iOS

How To Play Tag After School Gallery Mode?

Downloading the Tag After School game is the easiest way to access Tag After School Gallery Mode. In this mode, you can experience all the Shota-kun’s encounters with the female ghosts.

To learn more about how to download and install Tag After School on your Windows PC, click on the button below.

How To Start Gallery Mode In Tag After School Game?

Enabling or starting Gallery mode on Tag After School is simple. Follow the below steps one after another to launch Tag After School Gallery.

  1. Download the Tag After School game from the above link.
  2. Extract the zip file on your computer.
  3. Run the Tag After School.exe file to launch the game.
  4. Select the GALLERY option from the game menu.
  5. That’s it; stand near a female ghost and press the Z button to witness the encounter.

How To Watch Tag After School Gallery Without Downloading the Game?

If you’re interested in viewing Tag After School Gallery without downloading the game, check out the link below. A user has uploaded all of the encounter scenes from the Tag After School Gallery mode on Reddit. Check them out below.

Update: The reddit post is now archived and the video has been deleted. So, you’re out of luck and will have to download Tag After School to experince the encounters in the Tag After School Gallery.

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